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Department of Computer Science

Technical Services and Support

Forgot Your Password?

At times things happened and you need to reset or change your password.  Here are a few options you can follow when you forgot your password.

Forgot CS Password?

If you are attempting to log into the CS Linux  machines, please reset or activate your account at

CS password may be reset if you still know your Rutgers University NetID password. To reset your CS password, go to

Forgot both  CS password and University NetID Password?

If you forgot both your CS password and Rutgers University NetID password, you must reset your University password first, before you can reset your CS Password.

Changing CS Password.

If you know your CS password, you can change it:

    1. Using terminal session and typing kpasswd command.
    2. Using a web browser pointing to

On both options above you will need to provide your CS password to verify you actually own the account.