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Department of Computer Science

Technical Services and Support

Reserve Rooms / Equipment

Instructions for use

See the menu at the right near the bottom

Room Reservations Calendar

Conference rooms, computer labs, and special offices to Computer Science can be reserved electronically using the reservation calendar interface provided by LCSR. The ability to reserve these items or to view current reservations is restricted to authorized members of the Computer Science Department.

The rooms that can be reserved are:

Conference RoomsComputer LabsSpecial Offices
CoRE 301 (CoRE A)*Hill 248see  
reservation calendar
for details
CoRE 305 (CoRE B)Hill 252
Hill 350,  Hill 482Hill 254
Policies and Procedures
  1. Rooms will be reserved (i.e. blocked out) for colloquia and other division/department functions a semester in advance. Rooms will not be available for other functions at these times.
  2. Once division/departmental functions have been reserved, reservations are on a first-come first-serve basis. Authorized users can reserve any of the above items for any period of time. The default setup prohibits conflicts. This can be disabled on a per reservation basis but we strongly recommend against this practice.
  3. When a room is reserved please be sure to list the purpose for which it will be used (e.g., class, committee meeting, colloquia, thesis defense, faculty meeting, research meeting, instructors meeting, etc.) and the person responsible for the reservation. This information should be entered in the Event Title field when making a reservation
  4. If a reservation is no longer needed please remove it from the calendar.
  5. If a room is already reserved at the time you wish to use it contact the person who holds the current reservation to see what, if any, accommodations can be made.
  6. If you have a class in one of these rooms be sure it is reserved using this room reservation system. Rutgers scheduling cannot schedule these rooms so you must reserved these rooms using this system to avoid conflicts.
  7. Classes should not be scheduled in any conference room before 4:30 PM. If you have a class that meets before 4:30 please reserve one of the classrooms.
  8. Reservable equipment is intended for academic purposes. Please describe in your reservation what class the equipment will be used for. Equipment should not be kept overnight. Equipment can be picked up and dropped off at Core 235, (phone: 848-445-2443) during normal operational hours.
Reserving a room

To reserve a room or equipment you must have a Department of Computer Science account and be an authorized user of this system.

To make a reservation visit the the calendar system and follow the directions below.

  1. Log in with NetID and password.
  2. Select the room and month from with the pulldown in the upper left as shown.
    (Note the reservations already shown.)
  3. If you are allowed to reserve a room, to make a reservation, click the [Add an Event] button.
  4. Select the date from the calendar.
  5. Uncheck the “All Day” box to set the beginning and ending hours of your reservation.
  6. Select “Access/Availability” option. This is used to describe the desired behavior of computers in the reservable labs while the event is happening
  7. Select ‘repeats‘ to make multiple reservations every week, or month, etc.
  8. To complete your reservation, click the “[Add Event]” button at the bottom of the form.


  • Access to these rooms require your Rutgers ID card. Not everyone have access to all rooms. Make sure you have access to the room before reserving.  See Keys and Keycards page to get access.
  • Generally, all Conference rooms are accessible by CS Faculty/Staff and Graduate Students except for Hill 350 which is available for CS Faculty/Staff and Master students only.
  • Before using our conference room, please familiarize yourself with equipment in the room at least a few hours or a day before  your presentation.
  • Please DO NOT UNPLUG any equipment.

For help with our systems or If you need immediate assistant, visit LCSR Operator at CoRE 235 or call 848-445-2443. Otherwise, see CS HelpDesk. Don’t forget to include your NetID along with descriptions of your problem.